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About Us

What is a Cash Game?

Vizualspots cash games look like the following: 

For $60/player you and your partner are in for a day of matches, fun, and quality pickleball. You will start in a pool of teams where you will log 6-8 games to 11. These scores will be input and your wins and point differential will be used to seed you into a single elimination bracket in which you play 2 out of 3 games to 11. These events are NOT DUPR recorded. 

Every team makes the bracket and every team has a chance at the MONEY!

Aprox 60-80% of the money paid in goes back to the players in CASH prizes. Payouts are generally for 1-4th place. But often sponsor prizes are given out for random participants. Each event has a list of A-class players and sponsors. Be ready for snacks, beverages, and competition all for your $60 entry. 



Vizualspots cash games have been going on for longer than you think. Starting in early 2023 these games have grown from less than 8 teams to over 66! The last event had nearly 150 players. More people, means more CASH.

Past Events

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